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Selected Publications

Chaves, W. A., Carignano Torres, P., C, and Parry, L. The species-specific role of wildlife in the Amazonian food system. 2023. Ecology and Society. 28.

Chaves, W. A., Valle, D., Tavares, A. S., Morcatty, T. Q., and Wilcove, D. S. 2021. Impacts of rural to urban migration, urbanization, and generational change on consumption of wild animals in the Amazon. Conservation Biology, 35, 1186-1197.

Chaves, W. A., Valle, D., Tavares, A. S. Von Mühlen, E. M., and Wilcove, D. S. 2021. Investigating illegal activities that affect biodiversity: the case of wildlife consumption in the Brazilian Amazon. Ecological Applications, 31, e02402. 


Chaves, W. A., Monroe, M. C., Sieving, K. E. 2019. Wild meat consumption and trade in the central Amazon, Brazil. Human Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10745-019-00107-6. 


Chaves, W. A., Valle, D. R., Monroe, M. C., Wilkie, D. S., Sieving, K. E. and Sadowsky, B. 2018. Changing wild meat consumption: an experiment in the central Amazon, Brazil. Conservation Letters, 11, e12391. doi:10.1111/conl.12391.

Chaves W.A., Wilkie D.S., Monroe M.C., Sieving K.E. 2017. Market access and wild meat consumption in the central Amazon, Brazil. Biological Conservation.212, Part A, 240-248.

Monroe, M. C., Plate, R. R., Oxarart, A., Bowers, A., Chaves, W. A. 2017. Identifying effective climate change education strategies: a systematic review of the research. Environmental Education Research.1-22.

Chaves, W. A., Sieving, K. E., and Fletcher Jr., R. 2017. Avian responses to reduced-impact logging in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management. 384, 147-156.